
Traditional Ecological Knowledge

Last Update: 3/10/2025

What is TEK?

Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is indigenous wisdom passed down and improved upon from generation-to-generation for the continued stewardship of the Land and the survival of its Plants, Animals and People. It has allowed us to sustain ourselves on this Earth since time immemorial and is a way we must follow in order to continue living and thriving in harmony with the Land.


Why is TEK Important?

It is important to note that Traditional Ecological Knowledge varies by culture and is localized to the ecosystems of the area in which it is practiced. TEK is a way of working with Nature and our environment, with regards to them as living entities, to support their natural functions and biodiversity while utilizing natural tools and elements with distinct ingenuity to ensure our collective survival.

Indigenous people implement TEK by first recognizing their inherent relation to Nature as a part of her, then building a caring and intentional relationship based in reciprocity. When these values are upheld, a great wealth of life-sustaining gifts and knowledge become abundant.

Where ever Nature thrives, so often do her People…

More Coming Soon…


Want to Learn More About TEK Online?

Below you will find a list of external links to educational resources like webinars, articles and videos. We recommend you explore this list with an open mind, an open heart and a good amount of free time! If you have recently come across some material you feel would be a good addition to our list we want to hear from you! Please email a link to info@tongva.land with the subject line ‘TEK ED’.

TEK Educational Resources

For more information on TEK, cultural history and practices check out our

Compendium of Indigenous Resources