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Our Hohovarawech, our Dream

Purpose and Vision


The Tongva people have been in Los Angeles County for thousands of years. However, we have not had access to land since colonization. The Tongva Taraxat Paxaava Conservancy, which roughly translates to “the people’s land” is the very first plot of land returned to the original people of Los Angeles. 

For generations we have been pushed out of Los Angeles by high rent, we have had to ask permission to have traditional gathering relationship with our plant relatives, and we have had to pay fees to hold ceremony and space inside of our own ancestral lands. The Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Land Conservancy will help begin the healing process we need by giving tribal community members access to affordable housing on their native land, give access to gathering without permission from outsiders, and a space to have community time and ceremonies in privacy. 

Our vision is to rematriate the land to California native plants and Tongva people. We are and will continue to be run by Tongva people.


“As ‘Land Back’ becomes more than just a slogan, we hope that other individuals with property in Tovaangar will be willing to follow the example of our initial donor and return land to our people.”

-Wallace Cleaves TTPC Board President

What We’ve Achieved so far…

  • Eight volunteer days and 32 tons of junk removed from Huhuunga

  • Tribal Canoe Journey + Ti’aat ceremony

  • Tongva Paayme Paxaayt (LA River) stewardship plan

  • Invasive tree removal started!

  • 43 orgs make Kuuy Nahwá’a + 4 funders sign Kuuy Covenant

  • 575 people make kuuy nahwá’a (guest exchange) 

  • Community gatherings – the land has a name

  • Cultural Items returned 

  • Legal Apprenticeship + Land Clinic