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Kuuy Nahwá’a

Institutional Kuuy Nahwá’a is a voluntary recurring guest exchange that businesses, organizations, schools and religious groups that operate in the Los Angeles basin make to support the Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy. 

Making kuuy nahwá’a is a small way for your institution to acknowledge the history of this land and contribute to its healing, to support the ancestral hosts of this land, present day Tongva people, and to create a vibrant future. This is an opportunity to enter into restorative relationship with the local Native community.

For those that are ready to contribute financially but are unsure of what amount to offer, we invite you to utilize our Kuuy Nahwá’a Calculator below.

Simply answer a couple of questions and you will be given a suggested donation amount which can be made by clicking HERE or the button below.


Calculate your Kuuy Nahwá’a

Is your organization non-profit or for-profit?

If your guest exchange is $1k+, please send a check to Tongva Taraxat Paxaavxa Conservancy PO Box 608 Claremont, CA 91711 or make a wire transfer. For wire instructions, email Ian@Tongva.Land.

Why your contribution is important?

Institutions own or rent large amounts of land and use a disproportionate amount of local resources while 1.55 million acres of land were promised to Gabrieleno / Tongva people in 1851 as part of the 18 “lost” treaties. If you’re interested in transferring land to the Tongva Conservancy, please contact Ian@Tongva.Land.

Do you work at a foundation or philanthropic organization? Read Sogorea Te’s guidelines to learn more!

Many institutions have come up with their own creative ways to make a guest exchange. A synagogue allocates a percentage of their budget annually to the Tongva Conservancy. A percentage of a local landscaping company’s business is given to the TTPC. Realtors are considering allocating 5% of their brokerage fees for every transaction in Tongva territory to the TTPC.

Many people use their employers’ matching donation programs to double their contribution. What creative ways can your organization contribute to Tongva-led Land Back?

Other contributions to consider:

  • Waive or reduce fees for office, event and other space rentals or professional services.

  • Encourage your staff, members, and/or the public to make kuuyam nahwá’a.

  • Follow us on Instagram to stay informed.

  • Organize fundraisers or offer corporate or institutional matching programs.

  • Commit to land acknowledgements before meetings and events.

  • Educate your staff/members about local Indigenous history, land struggles and community efforts.

  • Challenge false narratives about California history in schools, the media, public monuments, missions, and the like.

  • Divest from fossil fuels and other extractive industries.

  • Ensure that your institution does not perpetuate the cultural appropriation of Native/Indigenous culture (IE: costumes, Thanksgiving, party themes).

  • Support Native artists, activists and community leaders.

  • Advocate for and support campaigns, bills, propositions and public policy that strengthen Native rights and sovereignty

  • Repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery and educate your membership about it (especially for churches and Christian denominations).

Kuuy nahwá’a is the belief that when given a chance to affect history in a positive way, that a just human being would make the just move. Join us.